Tuesday, April 15, 2008

609 Week 2 - Blog 2

"Re-Centering Authority," Ellen Cushman and Terese Monberg reflect back on Cushman's groundbreaking essay about taking composition to the streets. How does this fit in with topoi? Because both works center on injecting smaller parts, ourselves, into the larger mass of humanity. The authors' write, "Repositioning oneself means establishing reciprocal relationships with those outside one's "comfort zone" (178). Indeed, in composition sometimes the ivory tower syndrome takes place whereas compositionists feel academia is the only appropriate place for academians'. However, the authors continually challenge us as teachers and researchers to self-reflect and see where we can step out of our comfort zone and become a part of the larger species. On a personal note, like most Master's candidates, I've had friends and family approach me for help with composing, critiquing, and enhancing resumes, advertisements, personal writing, etc. and I've found helping them to be rewarding. Further, as I lend a hand, I feel better about myself through reflecting on the growth I've made as a Comp. major.

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