Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tue. Feb. 4, 2010

Another good day, although I felt drained afterward since we worked diligently on crating in intro to 1.2 and revised 1.1. I switched east/est sides of the class today so students don't feel left out or "subjugated." Overall, things seem to be going well. They've given me 1.1 final drafts and are turning in 1.2 first drafts on Thursday. I'm amazed at the own learning curve--in other words, things that created havoc last quarter, such as how to fill a class with a days worth work, just aren't as stressful this go-around. BTW, I'm enjoying teaching Pratt and Anzaldua more this quarter, as well as linking the writing projects to their writings--I think this is because I have a fuller understanding of the connections between the readings and what I'm seeking to teach concerning my students writing about said readings.

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